​Watch this week on Z Living!​
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​Episodes Complete - 20​
Episode Length - 30 minutes

Shot outside New Orleans, LA. Poke Salet.

Shot in Alabama. Curly Dock Soup.

Shot in and around Chimney Rock State Park in North Carolina. Kudzu Leaf Wraps and Kudzu Chips.

Shot in North Carolina. Wood Nettle Soup.

Shot in Maine. Dandelion Clam Chowder, Dandelion Root Tea, Dandelion Salad.

Shot at Gunstock Resort in New Hampshire. Chickweed Pesto.

Shot in Minnesota. Cattail Saute and Flower.

Shot outside Fargo, North Dakota. Mustard Greens and Mustard Seed Tortillas.

Shot at an historic Pony Express depot in South Dakota. Milkweed Pods and Wild Flower garnish.

Shot in Kansas. Lambsquarters Greens and Catnip Tea.

Shot in Nebraska. Sumacaide, Sumac Teas.

Shot in Montana. Chokecherry Syrup.

Shot in Oregon. Salmon with Elderberry Sauce.

Shot outside Archer City in Washington State. Sauteed Chanterelle Mushrooms.

Shot in San Juan Islands. Oysters with Rosehip Sauce, Rosehip Spritzer.

Shot in Texas. Acorn Hummus.

Shot in Texas. Eggs and Prickly Pear and Prickly Pear Tuna Tea.

Shot at Hanna Preserve in Maui, Hawaii. Breadfruit Salad and Breadfruit Chips.

Shot in Maui, Hawaii. Coconut Tart, Sauteed Coconut, and Coconut Water.

Shot in Maui, Hawaii. Purslane Slaw.